Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Importance Of Team Work In The IT Industry

It is a rather depressing fact that after all the millions of years of evolution, we human beings continue to be imperfect. However, we have managed to prove that we’re pretty clever by inventing things like water-proof matchsticks and automatic lawnmowers to burn oil and fill the air with smoke. It is obvious that complex devices such as these could not be conceived and built by a single imperfect individual. Only the combined intellect of several individuals could achieve such feats of ingenuity.

Several decades ago, such a team of clever but imperfect men and women built a really clever machine called the computer which would go on to revolutionize the way we build waterproof matchsticks and burn oil. The point here is that when a bunch of individually imperfect people come together, they inexplicably become more clever and less imperfect as a whole. Clever enough, for instance, to get the computer to do their work for them so that they can have longer and more frequent tea breaks, and this, of course, is what the IT Industry is all about.

The IT Industry is also known for its vision and anticipation of future trends which helps them recognize the necessity in the market that can potentially be the mother of a profitable invention. But one particular team of software engineers went one step ahead by inventing a profitable product which created the necessity for another really profitable invention. This team initially developed software that blocks people from being able to check email or access Orkut from the cubicle computer, and later went on to create proxy websites which help people to access the same blocked websites. The team became enormously rich by selling the blocking software to the Network Administrators and the proxy websites to everyone else in the office but unfortunately, the corporate downsizing consultant in the team fired all the team members to increase net profit. This goes to show that if the Project Leader of the team was individually perfect, he would have sent the downsizing consultant for the on-site supervision of the Bank of Mongolia Project before he started getting ideas.

Summing up, human beings were designed to be almost, but not completely imperfect, even those who work in the IT Industry as Project Leaders. The IT Industry is built on the foundation of teamwork, dedication and tea breaks and the only way we can dedicate more time for pretending to be drinking tea is by working together. Or if we are smart enough, by pretending to be working…together.

So it begins...

Greetings!! And welcome to my first post… Before I begin, I have to thank Mr. Lambda [who can be found at ] for giving me the idea of starting a blog. Oh my, Microsoft Word 2003 inexplicably seems to be still stuck in the 90’s. It does not recognize the word “blog” and displays a red wavy underline-thing which translates to “Oh, excuse me, but I think you just got a spelling wrong. It’s that one over there, with the red wavy underline-thing, see it? I think you meant to type bog or blob or bloc or blot or blow but you probably hit the wrong key. But don’t worry, it happens to everyone. Anyway I’ll keep an eye out for any mistakes that you may/will make in the future”. I give it a condescending smile and add the word “blog” to the dictionary. You see, sharing knowledge with the less fortunate gives me a good feeling :P
And so most of my posts will be like islands of hope in the sea of despair, the last refuge for reason in a deluge of insignificant crappery. So, add the word “crappery” to your dictionary and keep watchin this space. See y’all next time…